TAS Visuals, also known as The Adventurous Spark, is a digital artist based in Austria who is renowned for mesmerizing live performances at music festivals that transport viewers on mind-bending journeys filled with vivid, mystical and hypnotic visuals. TAS' work is a reflection of his dedication to developing a unique visual language that embodies imaginative realms of fluid psychedelic movement and motion. With over 10 years of experience and more than 200 live performances at events worldwide, TAS Visuals has earned a reputation as a master of their art form and a visionary in the world of digital art and projection mapping. TAS continues to deliver unforgettable experiences for audiences around the globe.
Modem Festival Croatia
Monegros Festival Spain
Elrow Spain
Airbrat One Festival Germany
Hilltop Festival India
En Festival Japan
Blisstronic Dubai UAE
Ozora Festival Hungary
Boom Festival Portugal
Esoteric Festival Australia
Son Libre Festival France
Shankra Festival Switzerland
Hilltop Mexico
Elements Festival Denmark
Hilltop Festival Israel
Free Earth Festival Greece
Omkara Festival Nepal
Mystica Switzerland
Ozora One day in Mexico Mexico
Vortex Open Source South Africa
Skazka Festival Russia
Pulsar Festival Brazil
Flow Festival Austria
Psyfi Festival Netherlands
Burning Mountain Switzerland
Raumklang Switzerland
Noise Poison Czech Republic
Paradise Winter Festival Austria
Insane Vision Austria
Psygate France
Outrance France
Alex Grey, Tipper, Captain Hook, Maneesh de Moor, Ace Ventura, Waio, Electric Universe, Liquid Bloom, Gery Yost, Glass Crane, Ajja, Alien Art, Savej, Grouch, Ingrained Instincts, Halfred, David Starfire, Impact Vision, Deltaprocess, The Hybrid Project, Hybrid UV, MTV, Universalmuseum Joanneum, The ExtraDimensional Space Agency, Hive Vision, Plazmalab, Eternal Knot, Art Collider, Acidmath, Third Eye Tapestries, NVgrinder, Sacred Technology